Bent Words

Bent Words

July 10, 2004

As I entered Chapter III in my online Bibliomania book, I found my thoughts to drift toward him. Without pause, my eyes sought the time, my wandering mind began to imagine his current location and I carefully calculated the nearest moment in which he might call. In favor of a slight distraction and a good stretch, I got up to make myself a drink and had to admit to the desire to hear our voices mingled together over the vast distance that our Saturday night now occupies.

I thought of his voice mail and repeated his parting word, "later" with the same sort of enthusiasm which these two syllabels had given to me earlier. I thought about the severe jet lag he was sure to experience - this made me think of my travels to Vegas and of how no other cure for jet lag could be obtained than by the costly purchase of a Captian and Coke - despite the hour which was closer to breakfast than dinner.

I thought of the sweet words he left behind in his e mail and of how little justice I gave them with my exhausted reply. I thought of the peace of mind they gave to me and of how much less alone I felt at that moment. I thought of the races in Laguna Seca and quickly checked to see the results of this round's Formula Extreme Race (poor Chandler only made 6th).

I thought about last night and how my troubled mind and aching body found no peace as the hours grew longer without relief. I pictured myself sitting upon the couch that was purchased from the owner of LCPS, as I sat alone in the dark with a Miller Lite, a cigarette and tear following the marked trail of the rest. I can hear the words still, as I told myself to stop crying and of the younger residents of the space below, talking rather boisterously (apparently much relieved after having grossly expelled a large quantity of their alcohol upon the driveway for us avoid earlier). Since I could not talk to him to apologize for whatever grief I had obviously caused, I resigned myself to sitting next to his sleeping body and gently kissing the top of his head with trembling lips. Slightly roused, he commented that I had hurt him with my inquiry of our relationship being based on sex and I recall having said very little in response. I assured him that I was sorry and only wanted for him to finally get some decent sleep after such a trying week. And so I resumed my previous location in the living room, filled with thought and the steady sounds of his exhausted snores.

The hour in which I woke did not provide my heart with any revitalizing senses of a new day and rather I found myself on the verge of more helpless tears. Strength beside me, I kept them at bay and only bided my time before we would depart without one word exchanged (besides my vocal shock at seeing a red fox in one of the Milwaukee parks we passed...).

And so here I sit - very repulsed my by own image in the mirror - puffy eyes and disolving features for lack of energy or will; thinking of you and your soothing voice...

Written at 8:50 p.m.