Bent Words

Bent Words

October 19, 2004

Delicious drives of wind and run
Began the Fall this day
Blowing basks the centered sun
Leaves scrape toward the winter way

Winding roads and rough curve memory
Blur the passing of each year
Circle 'round dead ends of me
Fast against the midnight fear

And of the morning burning trees
Under each that wonders crawl
Their depths forseen in caverned ease
The grasp of man to slight and small

Murdered mist drapes the noon
Reborn to Nature's sanctioned sway
Brilliant batches of endless blue
Swallowed sagging clouds away

In hurried moments that fight return
Waving lengths of still gold fields
Gracious grins of boughs that burn
And faces lift and love and feel

Upon this leaving sun soaked land
Well tipped tables of every one
My heart extends to each in hand
Delicious drives of wind and run...

Written at 11:16 a.m.