Bent Words

Bent Words

October 18, 2004

Walking past
Turn my head so slight
Heaving under, never knowing
Is this wrong or is this right?
As if two mountains moving meet
Neither win nor shall cry defeat

Parting skies
Scramble now in hope to see
Fearing for the lasting long
Fighting everyone lest me
Hunching over all indside
Lost, immune to each confide

Conquering shame
When alone the heart can sing
Forgotten words so off key
What of more I cannot bring
Here they are in every tune
Taking not in every truth

Staking more
Time in now for risks to run
And solace might entangle me
Handing fists to everyone
For one sacred moment in my shape
Trembling in my death escape

Sorrowing letters
Willing depths of sinking chance
Only half to stand up tall
Becoming of my own romance
Gripping what a life would not
Shapeless mirror, face uncaught

Glaring motion
In where no one stops to rest
Clinging dry to dusty tongues
Giving in and giving less
Upon the offering head I lay
No more sunshine to betray

Walking past
Turn my head so slight
Giving in and giving less
Is this wrong or is this right?
Within parting past retreat
Until again myself I meet...

Written at 12:44 p.m.