Bent Words

Bent Words

October 7, 2004

Whistled in a happy hour
Stiffened limbs turned sweet
Greeted like the first spring flower
After frost that fingers meet

Wrapped within the blanket sun
Broken billows of the cold
Hastened with a past unwon
Formed in futures yet untold

Lavished footsteps forward crawl
Impressed upon a softened ground
Cast high before the footfalls
Caressed in beauty newly found

Lingered deep within awakened lust
Trailed by these tailored stars
In abundance of my soul I trust
Danced with magic on my heart

Savvy this; a knowing hour
Wilted words learn to grow
Like the noble; once a coward
Polished promise now set aglow

Surrounded; all that I outnumber
Reprieve your final call
Dreams outlast my languid slumber
Higher flies the deeper fall...

Written at 12:58 a.m.